Sunday, October 7, 2012


Darkpine is band made up of Nolan Kurtz, Austin Wing and Marshall Frimoth. These guys were super easy and chill to work with. We had to sort of rush it to catch the sun, but in the end it was worth it. They were great sports about getting in the water and humored me doing every quirky thing I asked. These guys are great and you can check them out here!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Michele & Sara

I met Michele and Sara around the same time at SPU. They were both transfers like me and were both instantly people I knew I would love. We had joked on this shoot about making it look like Michele & Sarah were doing an engagement shoot and I really had to stop myself just now from blogging that way too. BUT, now I feel like it must be said--these two are just good friends. I loved shooting these sweet girls and we laughed the whole way through.